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Presenter: Does it make you sad that people jump to conclusions that you’re using again or does it make you happy that fans care for you so much?

Anthony Kiedis: “I felt more care than anything else. You know I got a lot of messages in the mail and it just seemed like people did care. My friends called, people I hadn’t spoken to for years called, but what people assume or think about using, I couldn’t care less. It didn’t faze me at all. I happen to love being sober, I also loved being wasted at times. Being sober for me is a pleasure, I get a lot of joy out of it, it works for me. I get to surf, I get to hang out with my son, I get to play music, I get to be okay.”

I’ve finally written up (where does the time go?!) and added the transcript to the Australian interview that was aired on May 29th. The video link has also been updated as the previous one was removed- watch it while you can just in case this version gets removed too! You can find the link and transcript HERE

All members of RHCP are interviewed but Anthony Kiedis and Flea are the main ones featured and there are lots of interesting comments and details about their friendship and the band. Anthony also talks about fatherhood and his son Everly Bear plus his failed relationship to Helena Vestergaard.


I’ve also scanned and uploaded the latest version of OOR magazine from The Netherlands (06 2016). I knew there was a retrospective photo of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the front and a review of ‘The Getaway’ but I had no idea there was also a 10 page article (it seems to be a history of the band) until I received it today (many thanks to my lovely friend Wil who rushed out to get the magazine and sent it to me!). Lots of pictures- the cover gives some idea as to what may be inside (Warning! Maybe don’t open next to Grandma or young children!). You can see full scans HERE for reference purposes but if you are in The Netherlands and can buy a copy please do.

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